My best friend left PC...


My best friend left PC...

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whats up
nothing really tired and Kayson is bouncing off the walls and I can't get Dustin to settle down, im so overwelmed right now
do you need help???
no, yes, maybe idk! Cindy is sleeping, but idk what's wrong with dusty
im coming over to help you sophia is a sleep so ill bring her with me and ill help you ok
* gets sophia and puts her in her car seat* *gets in the car and starts driving to your house*
*trues to settle dusty down
*gets to your house and knocks on the door*
*goes and opens it* hey Chlo
* walks in* hey can i put sophia with cindy
oh and cams not gone
yeah u can... and he's not?!?!
ok *puts her in cindy's room* nope go through your likes on this post he liked it on his old account
oh okay...
oh yeah o saw that one... but he deleted everything on that account so
yeah ik hes being sneaky trying to think no one will notice hes one but hes not very good *cries in pain*
well im sorry ok and kani is in the hospital
yeah i cant move
hey cam, want who to notice.... Chloe what's going on?
okay I'm gonna... but cam want who to notice and notice what?
my stomach is cramping and if i move it feels like my stomach is being pulled *cries*
I did know u were here but u didn't know which account and I loved u enough when u told me to let go and quit trying to hang on... I tried buts not working cam... I love u to much for me to let go... and Chloe seriously let's go to the gospital
its my period cramps
its my period cramps
ok? okay as in ur still leaving or okay as in what?
Chloe it doesn't sound like it but okay
it is but they really hurt and idk where lucas went
I'm sorry
im literaily laying here crying
what do u need me to do?
idk im just giving up i want to go on private
please go to these accounts: ItzMariaHatePage and Supernerd2_sucks. I ask that you report all of their posts (only 3 each) to prevent them from doing further damage and to get their accounts deleted from PicCollage. that kind of bullying should not be tolerated.
Chloe didn't
what else am i supossed to do if i look at sophia ill start crying
she's asleep it's okay
the only way lucas will answer is if i spam him or keep sendig him messages and i just keep crying
honey it's okay... Lucas loves u he won't forget... I know u miss him and he misses u it will be okau
ik and me and him finally got time to ourselves today until someone jumped in the middle of the conversation
yeah im trying to get him to post a new collage but hes not answering me
oh I'm sorry
its fine i guess *changes sophia*
okay *waits*
*grabs her blanket and feeds her*
*starts crying*
*goes over and sits by u* what's wrong?
*looks down* i just want to give up
don't okay Chloe just don't
dont even think that
its hard tho
im getting ready to go off
yeah and i am giving up im just being ignored
ugh im going to punch this girl
which one?
the girl who wont leave me alone and she commented to lucas again
shes asking him a stupid question and i cant comment to him cuz he wont answer cuz she commented on the post
yeah im so done