Collage by _Acri_


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ITS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS just color it a but more
it's absolutely incredible. I looked back on your first posts and honestly I can't believe how much you've improved. it's amazing. you've come so far and honestly I have no idea how you do what you do. I mean, how do you hand??? it's great???
:o you guys are making me be on the verge of tears rn ;0;
u don't really know me but ur art is so good like ?? it always makes me happy when I see it which sounds weird but it's just so good
Sorry, but I must ask first, are you ok if I say something bad about the way you draw? I'm-I'm so sorry if I seem mean.
Alright then, Heh, I'm so insecure, sorry. Well, first of all, the way you draw the eyes is weird, where are your characters looking at?... Your necks are sometimes way too long and the head is, or way to much forward, or way too much to the back, that's just... not cool. I won't say anything about the hands because I suck at those too. Anyways, lets go back to the eyes, the direction the pupils are going isn't completely clear, and the eyes are way too separate from each other at times, that's one of the things that annoys me, you should try to get them a bit closer to the nose, just saying. And the posture of your characters are a bit odd at times too, you should try and make them more.. idk, less weird looking.
Oh jesus, that's too much. Again, I'm sorry if I seem way too mean.
Ok, ok, I'm sorry for apologizing too much (😂), don't listen to me tho, do what you please with your art.
that tutorial on digital colouring. when's it gonna happen? (as in, teach me Senpai)
I think your art style is one of my favorites but the necks are sometimes too long.
Your art is pretty perfect! The shoulders can be very low sometimes but that's an easy fix! Maybe work on mouths more but otherwise it's pretty fine my pal
Ahh and maybe the width apart from each eye!
I want to marry your art
it's amazing! but every one has flaws, and I'm a huge critique. so ok: your people that you draw seem very bony and sharp. it kinda looks like they have a non healthy condition going on. and they eyes seem droopy. and you positions are a bit too (imagine it italic font) curvy and relaxed and try to stiffen it up a bit
oh and the face features and a lit tile but too low on the face.
but most of your art is amazing. but some just matches my discription. I go back and check your posts and I go like: lol oops, not all her art!
better than I can do
your art it pretty dope mannnnn
^see look if this little fūcko likes your art it's probably good