My baby girl click.
Here r some pics of me. U need more. I thankful I can call u mine. I'm thankful I have the best gf ever. I love you babe and I never want to lose u.


My baby girl click. Here r some pics of me. U need more. I thankful I can call u mine. I'm thankful I have the best gf ever. I love you babe and I never want to lose u.

23 27
I will make a post of us when I have time and post it on all my accounts
I'm on and I'm gonna be on until like 3 am so I hope u get on babes xx
baby can I just ask somthing ? X is there a reason y your not on as much anymore
it was a tour with a harness 😽😹I got to go down the skyscraper
logic reason
love you hope you can come on tonight or another night then babe
hi babe
I'm probably gonna be on till 3 am again
I love you so so so so so so so much more
yeah I am I got another fn hatepage who think they can beat SIAM but oh no one of us might be down but they ain't beatin us
love you baby I hope you can come on sooooon today xxx
yeah I know babe
gtg to school. I think I will be in later today.
don't hate yourself babes I'm ok I went to the 'asylum' today and I took care of a little girl as my mental care isn't complete I staying here to but I get to take care of others and that's what makes me happy
hello Kat I'm gorgies mum I've heard about you and she's going to change the password after this but anyways I want to thanks you for doing this you are keeping my daughter alive and healthy by just being there for her you are amaze
hi Kat xx it's me again I sent that message to my mum she said thx
love you
night love you I just noticed on a voting account there was a spam of gorgie-tree and mental_ for friendliest account and they are me so I was like ok .... woah
love you babes *kisses you*
hi babe when you come on please talk to me I'm sad πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜½πŸ˜½πŸ˜½πŸ˜½πŸ˜ΏπŸ˜ΏπŸ˜ΏπŸ˜Ώ
I feel so sorry for you having to be with gorgie
going to school babe. please please be safe.
I'm fine everyone just hates me at my school so I'm moving
YOLO no need to be worried
I love you so fn much
yeah I sure hope so
ur my everything your all I need babes xxx
ok baby
ok babe happy b-day
no Kat your not ! what's happened what's changed sorry I wasn't I was hacked. baby what happened why do you hunk your a monster
ok probably hormones X *kisses you* love you and our little world
hey babe I keep comin on at 0:01 I came on at 11:41 and the last time I came on it was 10:21 just wow lol love you babes
are you still sad babes or OK?
I'm fine I guess
I've been doing drugs and cutting
*kisses you* I'm glad d
4 days mine is august 16 so yah
I'm getting a calendar next year so I have to put it in my diary for now
I had a party the day you had a party. creepy
I'm back on this acc
babe i will be aloud on for a min every day to leave messages but thats it ok babes no conversations when u miss me look at my acc ir our acc
i wikl never tmstop lovin
*kisses you*
i was listennig to our song and wanted to leave a message; we are each otgers we wont split apart ill kiss youn
over if we do and yaoulll see ....
one day ill marry you and dont care if its online and when were in our twenties we may have kids. but even if we never meet ill still love you so much my babe. only you you are my world. you know whats wrong and when i need you ....... so baby i brought a ring it has infinity in diamonds on i got our names engraved in it very small. but atleast i know theyre there and thats what matters to me ......... so baby when your on i hope it rains for you and me ...........
its rianing rn
you make me so happy i collected rain water today as it was raining and i drank it lol
nah its k x i am grounded but i can sneek my phone 😊 into my room when my mum forgets to ask for it
babe . what abot eve and tay