Bio: No one knows who he is and he is and assassin


Bio: No one knows who he is and he is and assassin

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Rammis:* twirling a dagger *
Rammis:* throws dagger*
Rammis: No. that's what I do when I'm bored
Rammis: okay then
Rammis:* caches her*
Rammis: no problem
Correl: Im very sorry about running into you! Im just a clutz like that!
Rammis: it's fine
Correl: O-Ok!
Rammis: what's your name?
Correl: I-Im Correl!
Rammis: I'm Rammis
Correl: N-Nice to meet you Rammis!
( yas) Rammis: nice to meet you too
Rammis * smiles*
Correl: *Smiles back*
Rammis: your really cute * blushes a tiny bit*
Correl: *blushes* Th-Thanks....