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don't comment about Liam on my stuff he's a good person
Fùcc u
All u people are just brainwashed by his fake personality u don't know squat
what is your problem ??? hate pages are so dumb like stop wasting your time?!
hi, look I don't know who you are and why you hate Liam? I've known him for ages and he has never hurt anyone so I'm not sure why you hate him so much.. I'd love to hear an explanation of why because I personally think he is an amazing person.
Liam is so kind and great this is all stupid lmaó
1) look up the definition of rëtarded before you use it incorrectly 2) he's not a fùckboy he's loyal and cares about people 3) don't use the phrase kill yourself as a joke because it's a serious thing.
It wasn't a joke.
right so what has Liam done to you which is so bad that's he deserves death ?
He's no good to brooke and just the thought of him disgusts me.
is that your pathetic reason to why you would tell him to kill himself ? who are you
jelous much?
you need to get a better life plz help urself 😂
It doesn't matter who I am. I'm not jealous u bītch
alright then you feel so low about yourself so u tear a perfectly nice person down? so your either jealous or plain dumb
can you see that there's allll these people here who love and care for Liam sticking up for him agreeing that he's a good human being, your the only person who is hating on him.. doesn't that prove something ? yeah it proves he a good person and never hurt anyone. and your just jealous and a pâthetic human being who's trying to make an amazing person seem bad but we won't fall for it because we know Liam and we know he's a good person
^ agreed @ ayla
^ @holly completely true :)
i think you should delete this hate account cuz all the hate is on you 🙄👋 just sayin
can you stop making hatepages? it's unfair and selfish. I bet it's Lucy who is making 636363663 accounts. I have no idea who is Lucy but still. how about you go get a life and kys? it's not good to be hating. you screwed this up bc you know Liam has feelings you bîtch. and him and Brooke is the cutest couple. you're jealous bc you can't have one! I bet you was alone on Valentine's Day bc you have no one and Liam does have friend like you don't! why don't you do something better with your life? like play with your barbies or Pokemon cards? and you should leave everyone alone bc you know making hatepages is messed up. idk Liam but Liam is probably kind and a rlly caring person and I rlly hope that Liam does care about his girlfriend. and Liam is innocent. Your just a irrelevant person who hates on everyone and I hope you die you stupid fat bîtch. (: have a great life byeeeee
I'm making another paragraph about Liam. Liam is really a cool person, nice, honest and so innocent. Liam is not selfish, you are. making all these hatepages stop wasting your life and move on to your life. Liam is a good looking and cares for his friends and cares for his followers. you should immediately delete your account hater. and he loves Brooke bc Brooke is not retartèd . go get a life. he's not scared to cover his face bc his face is beautiful unlike you. I'm done with making a really long paragraphs. I'm done with all these stupid hatepages. I'm done with people on here. ughhhh
out of anybody that has commented i am the one that cares and loves liam the absolute most. you are an absolute waste of space. get off this app, off this world, and out of existence. you are not worth anything to anyone on this app i promise. i love liam and many other people do. i'm not dumb. i know who i'm dating and i've never been prouder to call someone mine. he's so talented like you have no idea. he plays like 7472858 sports and is so amazing at all of them. he's beyond outstanding at school and what he does. he cares for his family and he's so amazing to all of his friends including owen. it's crazy how much he cares about people. and it's crazy that someone as low life and disgusting as you would do this. you obviously envy him otherwise you wouldn't make an entire page dedicating him. just drink some bleach before i shove it down your throat. you're unwanted in every aspect. get a life pal. you do this for attention we all know. get out of here.
whatever. I don't care and I will not follow you even though u followed me
thank you everyone for supporting me. i love you all so much.
@liam, anytime :)
that fact that he thinks he's a füçkboi makes me laugh Bc he's the most loyalist guy ik
ur cute