Please Read!

All the characters with "EMPTY" written above them are up for grabs. Join the Survey-Corps today. ;)


Please Read! All the characters with "EMPTY" written above them are up for grabs. Join the Survey-Corps today. ;)

13 0
and hanji isn't there... ;^;
Make a Hangi account. JOIN US.
I'd do it but I'm probably not capable of holding such an account ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why not?
I doubt I'd be able to stay in character
I've broken character twice. it's fine. XD
I say if you're into the fandom and know the characters well, you should go for it! it's really really fun, like one giant rp. :)
and you don't even need to be like the characters. I chose Armin because people compare me to him, but I'm a girl irl, so gender doesn't even matter. :P You could even be Connie if you wanted.
Yeah but that's kinda the problem 😅
I don't think I could pose as one of the characters that aren't taken yet
it's Sasuke and Itachi form Naruto
we need a jean
and a Connie
And a Ymir
comment on the other's collages like Hange would. make edits and Twitter posts and stuff like that. XD
I can be Petra