Back off my baby girl! If u mess with her, flirt with her, I will kill u, and I don't joke around, u mess with anyone in this group I will kill u// Jay jay


Back off my baby girl! If u mess with her, flirt with her, I will kill u, and I don't joke around, u mess with anyone in this group I will kill u// Jay jay

8 1
I love u to
u r my mama
baby girl make something
ok babygirl, but vannah posted stuff
I did baby girl
*kiss u hard* u are cute when u are protective of me baby girl
*kiss your cheek*
*picks u up and takes u to my room*
*lay u down on the bed*
hey Bebe
*kiss back*
I love u *kiss your check*
baby if I don't talk around 10 I'm in class ok
I love u so much
*laughing* *smiling*
*looks into your eyes* my friend just cam over and he was all soak in wet
it's raining hard out side and I'm guessing he walked in the rain
*smiling* mostly for him lol, every time he comes over he is always wet lol
I gtg for now baby, talk to u in a couple of hours
*smiling* het mamma
*kiss back*
how bad do u want me mamma