t a p

congrats to my friend _electra_heart_ for getting a feature! ♥️


t a p congrats to my friend _electra_heart_ for getting a feature! ♥️

47 2
thanks yours too!!!!
tysm and beautiful!
thanks for the spam!
Awwww thanks ❤️And sure what part do you want to do?
thanks ❤️
awwww thank you so much! your account is awesome!
Aww thanks 💕 I can give you some tips if you want 😉Br you’re already pretty good! Ok 👍🏻
Awww np 💕 So do you want me to pic a background and then show you and then you pick a qoute and then I do the text and then you do the pngs? sorry, I’ve never done it this way (I normally do it a different way). 😂❤️
It’s totally ok! I’ve already got the perf background so here you go:
ROUND 1 RESULTS AND ELIMINATIONS ARE UP! Round 2 coming today, in a couple minutes! Thanks!
thanks kat
thank youuuu i love this sm
Thanks so much!
This collage is stunning!!
nO pRoBlEmO
yay I'm no alone 💖
aww thank you! and virtual hug?
me has a question:
how did you get the “wander” font?
*huggles back*
TYSM for the spam!!!
heyy I posted! check it out
this is so pretty! 💕
love ur icon!!
you're welcome :) tysm! 💓
do you mean the double dots and lines?
thx gorgeous! your super sweet! there not pngs!
ok so on my second recent the stars are * in the artiststamp font, the arrows are -> in playfair and the peace signs are \ in artiststamp. on my forth recent the flowers in between the lines are * in ostrich sans and yes the larger flowers and palms are pngs. hope this helps! are there any more you want to know?
sorry I took so long to respond
omw how are so good without even a month of experience
how are you*
ur welcome!!