ranting in the comments
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ranting in the comments read if you want

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My trust issues with friends has basically completely shattered. I've had so many problems with friends, so many just use me or not actually like me, that I don't know anymore.
I'm still stuck on Dexter and it's driving me insane. Sometimes he seems like he wants to be around me, and others, it seems like he's avoiding me.
It's gotten to the point where I don't like going to Stake youth activities (stakes: all the LDS churches in a certain area) cause I feel so alone. I hate our dances cause no one ever dances. Our other activities would be more fun if I trusted anyone
I have one friend in the stake, but, I dunno. She has a lot of friends and so I feel butted out. Plus her group just stays on their phones and that bores me
I just need someone I can cling to, and know they won't hurt me. I have too many knives in my heart already
I made one good friend at efy (a LDS youth program thing) but she lives eight hours away. I miss her a lot, cause she was super fun to be around, but we live too far away, and texting is awkward
The closest place is five hour drive for both of us, and even when I'm sixteen, my parents wouldn't let me drive there, and theres no way they'd take me. My only chance of ever seeing her, is going to the same EFY again
I have a girl in ballet I want to be friends with, but I'm awkward, and she's awkward. I DM her sometimes, but... I dunno.
It's always so awkward when you text someone, and they don't reply, but they're active on social media and stuff
I've got no one anywhere near me to call a friend and it sucks.
You'd think by now I'd be use to it. But two years ago, I thought if I had a friend, I'd be happy. I got a friend, even more, I had a crush who had a crush on me, and I ruined it.
I don't want to be alone, but I ruin everything I touch
Anyway... Sorry for constantly complaining. Advice or something would be nice if you read this far. Or at all
I agree with the texting thing. I absolutely HATE it when my friends don’t reply to my texts but are active on social media and such. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine actually.
I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this xx if there’s any way I can help, let me know. You are never truly alone💞
With the girl in ballet you want to be friends with, I’m going to try and offer some advice. There was this girl in my class last year who I really wanted to be friends with, and the feeling was mutual. However, that was back when I was a shy bean and she was awkward as well. So we both acknowledged the awkwardness and started writing each other notes and learned more about each other that way?? Soon, we started having small conversations. Yeah, it was awkward at first, but after each time it got a little more natural. My advice is; start small. Start with a simple “hello” and work your way up from there. Trust me, conversing with someone new gets so much easier the more you do it. I hope this helps xx
My next piece of advice is; talk to Dexter. Tell him about the mixed messages he’s sending and how he’s making you feel. I don’t know him so I don’t know if he’ll listen or not, but I think it’s worth a try if you haven’t talked to him already. I’m sorry if I sound rude here, but he doesn’t seem like a good friend if he’s constantly sending mixed signals and making you feel this way. I don’t really know, though. I’d just talk to him if I were you, and make sure he hears ya loud and clear xx
I wish I lived near you so we could be friends and chill and stuff xx
But anyways, I really hope I’ve managed to help just a bit, and that you find a really good irl friend that won’t hurt you💞
I understand how you feel to a degree (I’m not saying I have it as bad as you but I can understand somewhat) My friends are all great people, but very few of them really know how to “listen” if you know what I mean. Like, they don’t really listen to what I have to say and acknowledge my words/seem interested in what I’m saying. Also, a lot of them refuse to text me back, which is irritating. I wish I had a friend that would listen to me. Idk. I’m not saying this to rant about my problems or to try and gain sympathy, I’m just saying this so you know that you’re not alone in your friend troubles xx
My NEXT piece of advice; learn to love yourself if you haven’t already. You mentioned how you don’t like going to activities because you feel so alone. I understand that somewhat, I’m on a softball team where I was alone for a few years because everyone stayed in their cliques and didn’t like me. There are a lot of people in this world who are like that, and a lot of people who will turn their backs on you and shatter your trust. However, even if the whole world turns its back on you, you still have yourself. Don’t let people stop you from attending the Stake Youth activities if that’s what you want to do. Go there and have a good time yourself because you are beautiful and worthy xx I know it’s super hard to be confident and such, but I’ve found that loving yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. If you need any advice on self-love, I’ll be glad to give it. Sorry for spamming you😅
You'll find your people. Just give yourself time. ❤️
^^ honestly I have nothing more worthwhile to add and I think they said it well ... and sometimes you find friends in the most unexpected places :) I’m sure it’ll all be fine ❤️
Re/ No problem, I’m always here if you need me xx I’m so glad my advice helped😂Good luck with the girl at ballet!💞