Y’all, Epiphany is the perfect song for school...nOw i KNOW I hAvE tO lOvE mYSelF❤️😂👏👌


Y’all, Epiphany is the perfect song for school...nOw i KNOW I hAvE tO lOvE mYSelF❤️😂👏👌

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Y’all should know that this song is by Panic! At The Disco and the base line in this song gIvEs mE gOOsEbUmPS
thank you‼️💕 do you have any suggestions on what i could do to make it better ?
that’s good. honestly love yourself answer is the perfect way to end the summer. for me, my school ends in like early june, starts in early august but there’s multiple no school days/holidays in between. i guess it’s sort of good and bad ✨
thank youu! you didn’t offend me, i need this kinda advice ;)