I love Namjoon. He has helped me in so many ways and he doesn’t even know. He is my king. My savior.


I love Namjoon. He has helped me in so many ways and he doesn’t even know. He is my king. My savior.

15 24
aw thank you! i missed you too! how have you been? I hope well😊💜💜
Re:// Oh ok it's alright take your time ❤️❤️ And btw I missed you ❤️ and lol thnx 😂
Re:// YEZZZ YOUR BACKKKKKKK and lol you didn't miss much lmào idk
Wait you missed Joshua's birthday...
oh no, if there’s anything you need to let out, or if you need advice or just someone to listen to you I’ll be here; I’d love to help in any way that I can 💜stay strong💜
ok, it’s totally fine. sorry for not seeing this sooner. I think sometimes when you’ve been depressed for so long, and are stuck in this dark mentality that things won’t get better in the grand scheme of things even though there are small part of happiness you encounter, your brain gets stuck in that mentality that things aren’t ever going to get better. I think while acknowledging the good things that happen is important and also the bad things too, it seems like you have a lack of inspiration/ motivation. I think sometimes you have to start small in order to build up to getting better. friends help a lot, but if you feel like you might not have many or any that would really be supportive, turn to yourself. you can make yourself feel better. find something that captures you. find a book. read poetry. draw or sing or write out your feelings or make up stories. sometimes the best way to sort of get out of feeling sad all the time is to distract yourself. “fake it until you become it” distract yourself with good things and things that inspire you or motivate you to a point where you realize you have something to live for. I’m really not sure if any of this helped or made it worse, but dwelling on things for such a long time can make it harder to move on and make things better in the way you want it to be. if you have people in real life you can talk to, talk to them. let out everything you’re feeling even if it might make you uncormfortable or maybe embarrassed because trust me, it’ll feel so much better when you do
Re:// GALLLL YOU WANNA STAN SVTT YEZ I CAN HELP U and well you can start by wàtching all those English time with Seventeen videos cuz they sure help and I can help you with the members and inside jokes if you would like too?
horse back riding sounds really great! I really hope it will help you a lot. if you’re scared of your parents, at least you have your sister. I understand what it’s like, at least for one of my parents, to be afraid to talk to them. luckily my dad is someone I can talk to, since I have no siblings 😅 but yeah, if you have a good relationship with you sister, sometimes it’s easier to let things out to someone who is closer to you and obviously lives with you so she might understand all the things you’re going through. im always here too for you if you just feel like things are too much💜
Re:// OK GALLLL YES THEY ARE TOO GREAT LIKE THEY LEGIT HAVE A LORD IN THEIR GROUP 😱😂 but yes I will help you so well we'll start with the inside jokes k well I'll remix it cuz it will help you learn better 👏
K well I remixed 4 iñside jókes and I can't seèm to remember any more so when I remember one I'll tell you that one 😅 Anyways lol for now I remixed some and also don't forget to wàtch the "English time with Seventeen" series cuz u can learn most of the members and inside jokes wàtching that 👏❤️
And also I'll help you with the members after u read the stuff I sent lmào it's a lot to take in but it's all worth it 👏