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ohhh i see what’s going on....ight bye.
Who said...oml..alright. That’s cool bro you do you.
*looks down* he kissed me....*gets up and walks away*
omg!!! i just think this is funny...ya know?
the fact that he is what...25? and i’m 15. your 17 she is 20 😂
the fact that they all use fake pics too and it’s all just in person.
the fact that i actually liked you and i thought you would be the one to help my depression. and how...nvm. that all.
oof *dies* i’m better off dead...ya know mate? bye love💔
Hi there
Wanna RolePlay (not dirty pleasee)
Okay I'll start then
*Knocks on your door*
Hi friend! Wanna go to the pool? Or Panera? I don’t really care, as long as it’s fun
*Playfully sighs* Okay!
We going somewhere or do you have a machine
Cool *runs inside your house and kicks off my shoes*
You first
You sing better than me
*Snatches the mic* My turn
*Sings very loud and very off-key*
*sings normal level but still off-key*
Sorry I was doing... something
*Tries hard to sing on key*
*looks at you with puppy dog eyes* I hungryy
*looks down* i’m sorry too...i...i just...she isn’t real...and i don’t even like the other dude...i just don’t want you getting hurt...
*hugs you* i really like you...
*hides my face*
UGHHHH okie one sec 😂
After while crocodile❤️❤️
Heyo good morning!