|| I want my daddy . I miss his warm smile so much :( I just wanna rant to him and hug him || 


|| I want my daddy . I miss his warm smile so much :( I just wanna rant to him and hug him || -ally

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hey angel .. //Dan
why cant I see your remix?
I'm fine baby, few bullet holes and my neck kinda hurts, that's about it :)
it's not a big deal baby :)
no baby. no getting involved.
😂 I'm gonna get some chocolate, give you a massage and you're gonna sleep
excuse me?
I'm gonna break your aśs ams murder your clît ;)
it's cute how you think anything gonna change because you're on your period
calm down baby I was just at the hospital 😂
I'm a little drunkkk
babeeeee ssmmsnssmakalalslslsk im so EXCITED
so are PUPPIES