After a emotional train wreck of a weekend, it looks like we'll have to keep fighting, my friends! We can do this!❤️


After a emotional train wreck of a weekend, it looks like we'll have to keep fighting, my friends! We can do this!❤️

17 0
we got this!
not again!
IKR!!!!!!!! fangirling is my weakness 😂😂
Don't call me........but if you really do want to call, then do it after 4:30, because I will be at facs today. I'll be fine.
And you said you went to couselers twice. One was with me, what was the other?
^I went before the time with you, earlier this morning. That's when she asked me about the suicidal comments on pc you and Sierra made.
Why did you rat me out? You shouldn't have done that.
^If you want to kill yourself, someone should definitely know
And I didn't tell the counselor right away, she just randomly called me down during English class.
Why did you lie to the counselor? She said you wouldn't get in trouble
lol school kids
yes I actually scrolled all the way why did you delete your old posts I can’t even remember what your page used to be like xd