


170 5
Can you follow me it would mean everything?
if you could take one place to anywhere in the world where would you go?😉
What is everybody's nick names on the team from you
what's you favorite emoji?
are you happy JoJo is at ALDC?
awe that's sad 😔 if you could bring one person back from the old teams who would it be and why?
If you could describe Mackenzie using one word what would it be
what do people call you for your nick name?
what's ur favorite junk food❤️❤️
if you ever could meet one fan that puts there heart out for you inside their heart but can't have like 1 million posters would you go for them or another fan that had 1 million posters that didn't really out there heart out for you but still loved you but not as much as the other fan?😂✨
have their*
what is your fave solo that you have done so far?