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I hope everyone will read this and end bulling.
I've been bullied
it's cruel
I know how it feels it's happened to me
I'm dixlexic
they call me stupid
what is dixldxic
it's when you are not that smart the math or when you are reading goes all over the book or math sheet I'm more in math then reading
the reason i was bullied because i was different not girly .it was easier to hate but now I know true friends.
that happened last year but I have true friends now
oh okay
me too
they understand me
cool you are really nice
thanks you are too I've never met someone who's been bullied too for being different
yeah me nether
I always felt left out since I don't wear pink clothes or dresses
and someone who I thought was a friend made my good friend look bad and I thought she was telling the truth
I hate those I've had that happen before and always get caught in the middle
for me was I was to bright but I am starting to wear darker cloths so I'm not the crazy bright dressed girl
it was nice talking but now I have to go to a meeting by
thanks for talking I enjoyed it a lot
I did two we should do it soon
can you talk