sorry for not posting anything positive in a while 0; i thought maybe someone could find this helpful


sorry for not posting anything positive in a while 0; i thought maybe someone could find this helpful

30 6
wow ur so positive abby
wait what did I say last to reply to ur comment
and why are u feeling guilty from eating ??
oh yes I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been because idk nothing has been holding me back and I’ve been a lot more confident with myself
don’t be guilty about eating!! food is god
thanks :)) doubt its gonna last long but haha
yeahh I hope I am but hbu
u okay?
u sure?
I’m still worrying
but I am
please tell me the truth bc these comments above me make it seem like ur not ok
I know but it’s still not okay that okay
did you tell your parents and ask for more help?
are you planning on it at least ?