I was debating whether I should make another of these, and uh I did oops- yeaH um the harry potter obsession came thick and fast :’) so this is what I’m currently brainrotting over right now-
yoo first driving lesson tomorrow and I’m so nervoUS-


✨Tap✨ I was debating whether I should make another of these, and uh I did oops- yeaH um the harry potter obsession came thick and fast :’) so this is what I’m currently brainrotting over right now- yoo first driving lesson tomorrow and I’m so nervoUS-

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I bought the cursed child screenplay yesterday and I have literally devoured it, I finished part one earlier and i’M- scorpious my beloved- man it’s so interesting but it’s very easy to get confused in, there’s so much jumping around and it’s hard to imagine since all that’s given is stage direction and dialogue. I’m sure the stage production would be so much easier to understand, alas tickets start at £160 per person and the theatre is 7hours away. pain
AND YES IM SORRY LITERALLY ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS HP RIGHT NOW- college has been taking up a lot of my time, I haven’t been able to draw at all, and I’ve fixated heavily on this fandom again.. I hope it’s ok-
also the person wearing the scarf and t-shirt is me loL uhh yeah-
YES THE SCARF- and this is absolutely stunning <3 I simply love the layout of these
@ caption: good luck for your first driving lesson :) don’t die ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎ wait- screenplay as in the movie right? or no? im confused sorry 💀 or is it like a stage show idk- school is killing us, like literally. so don’t worry about not being able to draw at all, as long as ur fine, that’s all that matters <3 and YES ITS VERY VERY OK TO NOT DRAW FOR AWHILE OR HOWEVER U LIKE AND BE OBSESSED WITH HP
thank you :)
oH well it’s still cool haha
i have never been to london before 👀😳 *mind blown* I honestly would love to go there tho and if I ever go there, I’ll go check this harry potter place out :)
I- that photo belongs in the trash 😔🗑🚮 due that’s too long- it must have been so crowded, I can’t even imagine it (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) that’s expensive- but I’m positive it would be worth it if your parents allow you to watch it
and tysm for ur feedback on my poem, the previous poem that I shared was similar but I guess no one was interested in it 🤥😂 it was definitely very fun to write it but I had to change and add many things for it to be perfect to me ://
ohh, welp- I didn’t know that, my apologises (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) they’ll be rich oml- that’s quite expensive for a ticket tho 😳👀. WOOOO…biTiNG pOiNt? im still too young to drive, I shall not learn new things that my brain doesn’t currently needs💀 multitasking is alright but driving and looking at the road and everything is definitely scary (I can’t even imagine it-). ooo I think they might say yes, idk. since you didn’t ask for anyth for the past two years so it’s like a 80% chance for them to say yes? idk honestly. yEs no one shall stop you to watch a show 😩
yup, I did 😂 u can find it somewhere in my remixes to make life easier for you ;-;
or you can go to third latest collage and check the remixes from there :)
mordetwi forever has my heart 💙💜 speaking of them, I’m always seeing blue and purple together and I immediately hear airplanes playing in the background. it’s pretty bad 🥲🥲