This is a personal edit from @babyharry !!! ❤️❤️


This is a personal edit from @babyharry !!! ❤️❤️

24 2
Sure. Who owns this acc😂💗
Probs revoluhtion or lushfairy??
I think babyari is soooo talented!💖💦🌷she is so sweet to SOOOOOOO MANY people!!!☁️💭💐☺️I really do love her as a friend!🌙💓a lot of times she sends me these big paragraphs!🌺🤗💫I know other people get them too but the fact that she put effort into writing that is just incredible!💖💖I'm so happy I commented on her page and now we're friends!😰🌸🎀I hope she sees this and I love ya girl!🐬💞💕
hey I read ur message on someone's page, I luv BabyAri bc she is so beautiful and she even made me a fanpage for my old account😭💖could I please remix why I like her?