the death of a bachelor-Brendon! At the Disco


/click\ the death of a bachelor-Brendon! At the Disco

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and this is AWSOME
your welcome
thank you
yeah, I'll take my icon as an example. he's awesome...but his Instagram personality has remained unchanged ever since he was seventeen. (28 now) I see screenshots of his other account that only his friends can see, and it's totally different. I watch concerts and interviews, and he's different. in fact, he's so different, it's shocking. this is a person who uses words like "endeavor" and "peculiar" in his everyday language, but has the most meaningless Instagram posts. this is a person who is friends with two Nobel laureates and helped them, but doesn't look the part on the Internet. he says that people can't accept change. I realized he's right. people only want the original version and even if the newer version is better, they still refuse it. (it's weird, huh?) so whenever I see pics not on Instagram, and pics on Instagram, it's like it's two different people. what do you think about the topic?
that makes sense, because the main reason his personality changed was a result of depression. he's more serious now and doesn't fanboy over aliens as much. I don't think teenage crazy fans wanted that change to happen in the big EDM explosion of 2012. they almost make it look like he's their property, and everything he does is under their control. that's not how it work. (and personally, I like the lab coat dude better than the jump-off-mixer dude) wow...listen to us saying stuff we would not say in real life!
yeah! good things turned bad! like, when my celebrity finally got a hold of himself and became less dependent, people started to hate him. like, "emo freak!" (not emo, Romantic (era style) learn your facts.) people want that "boy" image inside their mind instead of the "adult" image. (now can we change the subject?)
dunno...just got in trouble. I hate that I can be spied on with wifi.
nope, got myself in trouble with my flamboyant attitude. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ why?? you too?! are you like me?
oh...you're not like me. society DOES suck, but what I meant was I know and I'm fine with my friends all having crushes and boyfriends while I have the inability to like someone for Ε›exual purposes. people usually don't accept that quality of me, and they say it's just a phase, when I'm sure it's not. thanks, for your comments, they're interesting to read, and not all like, "preach!" (you give your opinion) or "you're like my IDOL!" (I shouldn't be a good role model.)
This is beautifulπŸ’§πŸ‘ΌπŸ»!
for only knowing you for half a day, I'm glad that you share your opinions in the comment instead of just saying, "true!" thanks for calling me a role model. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ even though I feel like I'll only be teaching you NOT how to live life. AND...my life is forever ruined with my obsession with my icon dude.
um...I used to debate about black holes and now I'm debating about whether my icon looks better with short or long hair.
can you help me break my obsession?
It's Skrillex. good musical inspiration...but...*sigh* he makes me feel dumb. πŸ˜‚
okay. next?
um...videos, tv, weπŸ’šit. basically anywhere where I can hear his voice saying chemical jokes. I hate Instagram.
in my case, talking about him. I try to do that so bad! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I should also stop listening to Recess until I get enough sadness.
wonderful advice. :) πŸ‘½
thanks too! I take a look at we πŸ’š it once every week just to catch up. videos are even rarer. usually I just hear news from Whopper (who got me obsessed in the first place.)
now...the way you said that sounded a little like you told me that he died and I should move on. (sorry) now, hopefully I don't get obsessed with David Tennant again. I usually think less when I write or make music, but school and creative block has prevented that. it better work this time!
well then, comrade, you shall hear from I, the heir to the throne of EDM, very often! *evil laugh* jk.
who/what are you obsessed with?
I wonder if there's a fake Skrillex account in here to make fun of...
thx for the spamπŸ˜‚πŸ’—βœ¨
hey, hey, hey!πŸ˜‚πŸ’–
thanks youuuuu
u at school
thanks πŸ’™πŸ’™
Hello! sup?
better, thank you SO much for the mention of Skrillex, who I only talked about once today.
da stupid glitch came back.
um...I don't know. I guess the major achievement for today was programming a computer to repeatedly say, "hello, intelligent being called Sonny Moore." (see, still kinda obsessed) and a bunch of bad words. IM A FREAKING HACKER!
nothing posts, home screen doesn't update. I guess you wouldn't know since you don't really follow anyone.
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm not a hacker, sorry. I just wanna be a genetic engineer/musician when I grow up. but sure! let's get drunk!
oh...well...that sucks. where do these glitches come from? two months ago, stuff was working perfectly fine.
Yeah, I noticed I unfollowed a few people and tried to follow them back, but no hope. so I have a list of ten usernames I can't follow, so I search up,their username every once in a while to comment and like.
the Internet is the best and the worst. my home screen doesn't update, so I have no idea who posted what. business is slow today...
good! how about you? (I'm just commenting on your collage to let you know I'm online now)
well...it was inspired off of a topic I was talking to @-MYSTIFIED- about. I actually haven't really listened to his songs or looked at his face today. I'll probably always be a little obsessed. I'm fine with a little. after all, I only like him because of how he dealt with his old problems. pretty inspirational dude.
in fact, halogen is a chemical. chemicals=Skrillex. that's probably why.
um...if you look closely...I said it was inspired by yet ANOTHER DJ!!!! my kind will rule the world! jk.
of course! I'm talking to her right now about how much Taylor swift sucks (sorry if you like her) Yeah...life is stressful...WISH WE COULD,TURN BACK TIME TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN THE MAMA SANG US TO SLEEP BUT NOW WERE STRESSED OUT!
that happened to me so many times. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ our teachers give us the easiest homework and then the hardest tests.
oh...well that sucks.
I'm doing history homework. history homework which I saved for the last minute. #procrastination.
now...how did the printing press help the reformation? (ugh...history questions...)
thanks :)
I found the answer! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
tryna carry on four conversations at once while doing homework. it's because the printing press could make more copies of the bible to give to everyone. (the reformation is all about the sucky church at the time.)
wintergatan is the best band other than Krewella.
oh ok same πŸ˜‚πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’πŸΌ
ermg ur acct is actual goals & PATD is SO GooD ASJajjsJ
OMG!! what's your favorite P!ATD song?
I'm in love with Emperors New Clothes
I'm onlineπŸ˜„
Say what? I didn't understand.
TYSM for all the likes πŸ’• This edit is amazing!!
SAME!! track starts tomorrow for me and I'm kind of not looking forward to it but I'm also excited.
yesssss amzingπŸ’₯