


311 338
whats that🍭
Hello! Guess what?! I am having a contest with GREAT prizes...including a FANPAGE!!! The collage can be about ANYTHING, it can be just made or one of your old collages! The only rule is that you have to follow me! So take 10 seconds to hit that follow button and remix your favorite collage from your account and maybe you could win!! Even if you don't win, you can still get some cool prizes so come check it out!! 💖
hey! I would like to get 520 followers by midnight! can u help and pass it on pls!?
how many times can we enter?
just 2
he contest is now over. thank u all for being a part of it. i loved each and every style, it really came close, but i finally posted the results. thank u all!!
he contest is now over. thank u all for being a part of it. i loved each and every style, it really came close, but i finally posted the results. thank u all!!
Hey👋🏼! Going on right now on my account until August 10th 📆 there are some competitions with great prizes🏆! First there is a raffle🎟 where you can get up to 8️⃣ entries and have a chance to win a HUGE prize pack! Also, there is a contest🎉 where you can remix ANY collage for a chance to win follows, spams, and a FANPAGE😱!! I am trying to get 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ followers soon! I love💖 my followers and I am here for any of you!! So please take a minute to tap☝🏼️ that follow button on my account, and possibly enter my raffle🎟 and/or contest🏆!! Sorry about self-advertising😬! If you read this whole thing, go to my account and comment pigeon🐦!!
I've Made Another Contest On My Page Go And Check It Out🤘🏻❤️
hi guys pleas guys
Disney games on my page!
that is all I were
challenge accepted
I love it
lol led💞💞💞🏅
what are the contests about I'm new
I love angle sparkels
these cloths are relly nice
i love making outfits (i have another account) but I'll pass
that's doing it
all so cool and cute
hey guys I Have a new icon contest on my page everyone can Going more than one's
Come and enter there's going to be 4 winner and 2 other winners
I entered:)
I'm trying to reach toward my goal of 2k followers!! plz follow me, I will be following people back🙏🏼