i feel like im so skinny and ugly i dont know if im pretty i dont think i am


i feel like im so skinny and ugly i dont know if im pretty i dont think i am

17 0
boo don't say that you are literally beautiful X you look better than me X
i bet you look better then me what do you look like? and thanks boo❀️😍😘
thank you and i think i am
are you going to enter?
hey babe check your remix that you sent me ❀️❀️
i did❀️❀️
do you like me yes..no...maybe??😜
Yes i do😘😘😍😍
thx boo ❀️
little secret X I love to be a les more than to have a bf X
same babe❀️❀️
ily ❀️❀️
do you have a house with your friend(s) or do you still live with your parents
with Sam and babe your name is Ciara right?
yeah why ? X
just wondering love you❀️❀️😘😘
love you too X
ill be right back i have to do something bye babe❀️❀️
see ya c
love the collage babe your so sweet x❀️❀️
thanks babe your sweet also😘😘😍😍
so bored πŸ˜”
same im waiting for sam to get home because me and her are going to the mall and shes seeing if this other girl and a boy would want to join too but they are both straight and are kinda my friends
cool have fun babe x ❀️it's 12:00 her like midnight so I better get some sleep X love ya X but if you still wanna txt I don't mind πŸ’–πŸ’–
i do wanna txt you still babe
k X πŸ’–
I am not well πŸ˜­πŸ€’but at least I miss school but I'll get in trouble being out a lot because you know secondary schools πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
even tho its like the same time for me
what time is it in uk ?x
1:00 am
like at night ?
girl your SO pretty! 😘
yeah and thanks
same here X you still on boo ❀️
yes i am
yes i am
is Perrie on ❀️
hey boo ❀️ily X
I'm so bored .....what you wanna talk about xπŸ’–πŸ˜œ
sorry i was busy babe
hey Perrie you on babe ❀️
yes i am babe
good you babe
fine back home from the mall with my friends ❀️
do you guys no each other?
did you have fun babe and yes we do
did got an outfit I'll send you a pic babe x
okay babe❀️❀️
hey boo can you remix me ❀️
okay boo
oh ok
skinny ppl rule I am only 74 pounds...