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This is so ridiculous 😁 WHY SHOULD IT AFFECT THEM?!
Well, I guess this is another person I can yell at
this is getting way to out of hand. I will admit, I am not LGBT, but I respect those around me who do🌸
UGH! Yes! I mean I'm straight (well I'm 11 but I'm 'generally "attracted" to guys') but I DEFINITELY believe people shouldn't be hated for love! One thinking like that is bad enough... I really don't understand the haters and I support LGBT! People have their OWN lives which I certainly think, and you must agree too, that someone can love whoever he/she wants to love. Whether it's a guy/girl! xx
Why Are they all Doing this shîtty stuff?!? Why can't just everybody accept that there are different people than them?!? i mean the lgtb People don't say i hate straight People Do they?!?
that's exactly what I do.🙌My cousin was killed in the mass shooting in Orlando a couple weeks ago and was in that pub so #GayIsLovely💖 #supportGBT
it's ok😿thank you so much for your consent🙌
I can't find this acc I think it left.... have u found more?