Let's just pretend that I'm good at writing captions. Just pretend. For fun.πŸ˜‰

*even though I'm not*

{#findingflowerspring: No. 23}


Let's just pretend that I'm good at writing captions. Just pretend. For fun.πŸ˜‰ *even though I'm not* {#findingflowerspring: No. 23} 🌹🌲🌡🌸🌻🌾

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that such a sad quote. did you make it? can I use it?
omg! how am I only just finding out about ur account!? it is amazing!!!πŸ˜πŸ’–
Create a collage on your acc about a female or females (famous or not) about fighting for femenism with the caption #nosexistremarks #fightforfair #deMEANINGLESS. Comment this on as many people's accounts as possible and together we can change the future! For inspiration go to my acc @kandfoxswift1
This looks awesome! Oh, yes, and brilliant caption!β€οΈπŸ‘Œ
SO BEAUTIFUL πŸ’•β€πŸ’š I love the quote, It's sad that I can relate to it
And everyday is like a battle, but every night with us is like a dream🎢 I really like this collage!πŸ’ž