Add me on snapchat!! I'll add you back!!🤗😉😀


Add me on snapchat!! I'll add you back!!🤗😉😀

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Ariya posted something about snapchat too! did she copy you
I don't know who posted I first I took mine down tho
and why do you care you always working about us calm down
😔đŸ˜ĸ I was just saying that u copied her, and you did I saw Sania post it first
then u
why do you always care about all the highland kids like go somewhere else
because I used to go to highland Ariya just because I'm gone dosent mean I will forget you guys ☚ī¸â˜šī¸đŸ˜ĸ
it took me a while to figure out everybody's usernames but eventually they came up
okay now you basically just said your Sidora but can say "I'm sidora" what's the big deal we already know
I know just say it it's fine
Sidora go make new friends your at a different school now 😠😒😡 time to move on
like who else went to highland last year that's a girl
why do you you said you saw. post I first then me like are you constantly watching our stuff calm down Sidora