people with blue eyes just shock me like blue is a beautiful color and you have it in your e y e s thats so cool i love blue eyes


people with blue eyes just shock me like blue is a beautiful color and you have it in your e y e s thats so cool i love blue eyes

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I have blue eyes but I'm the exact opposite of cool
@weirdpengiun i bet you are the coolest bud
if sweating when people talk to me and not making eye contact is considered cool then yes I'm the cooliest (pls tell me you get the reference)
thanks for the blue eyes comment I have them
I wish I had blue eyes they're so pretty I have green but I feel like blue is prettier lmào
I love blue eyes too? mine are just this boring swampy green but like blue eyes are so sweet and mesmerizing and piercing and wow I just did not win the genetic jackpot
thank you but I honestly hate my blue eyes