


12 1
hey! what's up?
Layin in bed on my phone when I'm not supposed to cause I'm not tired
lol same here
but everyone is asleep so no one will know
👍🏽 perfect
so how are u?
I'm great hbu
I'm great too! #twining
hah that's good
how old are u?
I'm 13
I'm 14
sorry meant 14 I clicked the 3 instead of the 4 lol
i make my own rap music, what do u do
I play volleyball and listen to rap music lol
sweet! I'm hoping to get noticed by a rapper like Eminem or 50 Cent and have them sign me
that's awesome!!!
I'll post a rap I made to this convo and BTW the song is a Diss to my "father" Glen reason why is because he abused me and didn't give a shît about me
ah that sucks
I made that rap all in my head
that is freaking amazing!!!!
oh my füçking God that is awesome
You can repost this and show all your followers if you want
alright I'll do it tomorrow
so how's life
it's good and urs
mine is good
dats good
my sister just scared the füçking shït out of me
so are u single?
dats sucks I guess
ya I'm a single potato
that eats raw tomatoes and loves to eat Jello lol idk
hbu are you a single potato
r u a single potato..?