ahhh i’m in the weirdest mood and want to write sad fan fiction haha i might return to wattpad guys. fun fact: three years ago in the eighth grade I wrote a very cringey fan fic about phan that got 76k reads on it yikes i don’t even like them anymore


ahhh i’m in the weirdest mood and want to write sad fan fiction haha i might return to wattpad guys. fun fact: three years ago in the eighth grade I wrote a very cringey fan fic about phan that got 76k reads on it yikes i don’t even like them anymore

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wait what was it called
I used to post a bunch of phan stuff on we heart it and some posts would get like 500 hearts and I don’t like them nearly as much as I used to haha. funny how much can change over time.
thank u ? :)
I wrote Merlin and Sherlock fan fiction but I actually still like what I wrote probably because most of it was last year lol the show Merlin is a fan fiction of Arthurian legend and Sherlock is a fan fiction of Sherlock Holmes so I feel like it’s fair game