Yay I cried for about 20 minutes! πŸ€—


Yay I cried for about 20 minutes! πŸ€—

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the intro to this video, like when Dan's talking, except for the age, sums me up, All my friends like other people more than they like me and I hate everything about myself
AWH IM SORRY *virtual hug*
it's just my life. I guess everything happens for a reason, but I'm not sure about this. woah. existential crisis
You will get through this. when I meet you it will be better :)
yeah. I trust you on that. it's just how my life goes. no one pays attention to me a lot
oh god so cute πŸ˜­β€οΈπŸ˜πŸ’–
thanks for comforting me and stuff, but it's just how it rolls. I mean, I guess I get what I deserve, even tho I don't know how I deserve this
AWH thanks! and I'm sorry again ☹
it's ok. I have Dan's life before YouTube
I get ya. my dads a severe alcoholic and my mom is really stressed and basically every time I'm with my dad (parents divorced) I get into a giant fight and one time he punched me. I don't have friend problems but I have that.
I guess you do get me
a little bit.
in a different way. I guess you could say I have Dan's Life Before YouTube. maybe I'm meant to meet you.
Yeah! I guess so!
yea. if your going to sleep, I'll text you tomorrow. promise to respond?
I'm not sleeping now, I'll stay up for a while.
yep. 24/7
that's me rn too
have we made a three person squad?
I guess
someone make a squad collage!
not me!
I'm lazy
I'm not I don't want to move my thumbs more than needed
me neither.
look who's left
that leaves you illegally_me_123
to make ze collage
cuz Phil and I are too lazy
oh ok I was worried
it's late sooooooo
ok. I was like, 'is that a secret language'
go to bed child
I'm Sister Dan! I say go to sleep my children! I can't tell my age but I'm in 6th.
yes sister dan
everyone is older than me in some way, so I'm fine. thank you child for obeying my orders.
I need to do my freaking homework I've procrastinated all day
oh lord. I don't go back to school till Wednesday. child, go to bed. talk tomorrow. promise?
ok! I maybe probably won't be able to! I'm so sorry... I had no school today so I was able to, but my mom is quite strict about no phone during the week. I will this weekend, though! I'm so sorry...
it's ok. I had to ask cuz I have trouble trusting people. Night Phil.
I'm sorry.. night Danny
I go back on Wednesday. I have trouble trusting. bye my people. 😫
Night Philly
wait no that's goodbye NEVER MIND πŸ˜‚
that's what I was saying. I went all Tyler Oakley, Shanghai is hi and Dubai is bye
OH Shanghai
I'm gonna watch this video over and over, then start realizing how much Dan and I are alike
I've started questioning my own friendship also
not sure, Dan has that effect on me
oh! nvm. my friends just don't like me that much
I liek u
I mean the ones at school
hey, it won't let me respond to our chat
it won't? huh
WAT were you gonna say
it won't let me say
try doing accents on the letters like thΔ«Ε‘
I tried, still won't
aw remix it
my remixes don't work well
Darn it.
mission completed!
we gotz us a squad
yay... I'm sobbing