Idk what this is :V *hides in the corner*


Idk what this is :V *hides in the corner*

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Omg thank ya sweetie
I'm glad you love it so much
Of course I love it!! Arg I can't post that thing on my other account because PC is being dumb and not letting me post anything :[ so instead I posted it on my DA
Dumb PC >:[ okie dokie sweets. I'll go take a look!!
Okie dokie!
it's a beautiful drawing sweet heart! you did a wonderful job on it!
Thanks sweetie!! I'm glad you think so!
Of course sweets!
Woah... he looks like he's in pain. 😧 Also, YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE OMG
I gotta ask yew something bab...
@copy Nah he ain't. just angry. and rose is the only cute one. IM EVIL
@bab Go ahead bab!
@bab okie so it's about one of the AUs we had. You know that AU with Nick being more accepted for who he is? Would that be the AU where he dies? Or would that be the AU where Penny dies?
@bab That would be the AU both of them die in. That's the au with Christina, Penny and Nick. Nick being a pianist instead of an artist. Nero wouldn't be in that AU so Christina would still be enemies with penny and when she pushes her off the cliff and she dies. After that Nick commits suicide after mourning her for so long
OOOHHHH okay! I just got a little bit confused and I wanted to get that straitened out eheh
@bab That's okay sweetie!!
Hai Senpai :3
SENPAI!! *tackle hug* Hai!!
I went and saw The Force Awakens today!
YAY!!!! did ya like it senpai?! I thought it was awesome :DDD
I loved it! I will admit that I cried though...
Hmmm. everyone keeps saying they cried. I didn't :V Was it the part with Hans?
Yesh. ;-;
Ah I see. I just thought it was cool :3 I'm glad you joined the movie tho!!
I thought it was really well made. Anyways, how is your day going?
It's been well! I mostly played Bloodborne :33 lol that game is really hard
So I've heard....I watched Pewds play it a while back. I'm glad you've had a good day though!
Mhm! I'm just drawing now. the wi FI is being slow and it's making me mad >:[
I think it's adorable XD (Don't judge my madness 😂)
@cujo Lol I actually think he's cute too. I like things like this :3
I'm drawing too, or at least trying to. I'm redesigning my species.
@senpai Oooo I can't wait to see them!! You draw very well senpai
Oh Shoosh I'm not that good....
I want it as a pet >:3
@senpai Yes you are!! your awesome! you draw and paint everything really really well!
@cujo YES. take him!
YESH >:3