Collage by Keelys_Princess


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Ugh, baby, I'm sick. Please can I go. It really hurts. We can carry on with the rp later.
What hurts :(
And yes we can
My stomach and back. idk what it is.
I'm worried *Tears up*
I am. I'll be okay though.
Keely, please tell your parents *Tears up*
I just told my mum.
What did she say
If it's still there in the morning, she'll take me to see a doctor.
*Hugs* Ily.
*Hugs* What time show we continue, when you feel better❤️
Yeah, when I feel better. It might be tonight or tomorrow. I'm sorry idk when.
I wish you could hold me. Goodbye, Princess.
See ya later❤️
Hello, Princess. I hope that you're online. The pain is still here but much less intense. My mum gave me a pill and I took a small nap. I'm sorry, if I suddenly stop replying, it'll be because of the pain.
I didn't mean the comma after I'm sorry.