I love you all very much and this account, I really do. But, recently I've felt like I HAVE to post and if I don't you all will get worried and some unfollow. PC isn't as fun as it used to be when there was only a small, carefree community.


I love you all very much and this account, I really do. But, recently I've felt like I HAVE to post and if I don't you all will get worried and some unfollow. PC isn't as fun as it used to be when there was only a small, carefree community.

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@caption ikr, like with all the hate pages and cráp.
this is more then I bargained for
@caption tru! honestly I try to make my page more of a carefree environment but I don't think that really works? 😂
@caption aw, don't leave like Sophia did! I respect your decision either way💕
oh love I don't plan on leaving anytime soon💗