Tacoma, WA


Tacoma, WA

1 0
Arielavah are you there?
I'm home but I'm going to bed Merry Christmas Autumn
I'm up watcha doing?πŸ€”πŸ€“πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ˜›πŸ˜˜πŸ˜
i'm guessing you're in the car
OK well you are I love you good to see you I hope you had a Merry Christmas
hello autumn
don't mention our real names please
also yes I was in the car and didn't have any wifi so I couldn't get a signal
did you have a fun time @ your moms?
sorry about the names and yes I did have fun
well my mom and sister were asleep when I got home
I got home at 11:00
and my sister in law went home an hour before I got there
and apparently my dad was really mean to my sister and mom on the phone
we were supposed to be home at 9:00
but dad left Tulsa late when I asked him to go at 6:30
we left at 8:00
but I stayed up till 2:00 am with my mom
we talked I opened my presents and then I went in her room and we talked some more
it was fun I love my mom so much
are you enjoying the rest of your winter break?
ya it is fun. tonight we watched Return of the Jedi and played monopoly until midnight. then we watched the ball drop and now I'm in bed on picolage.
so when r u going back to school. I'm going on the 4th.
oh and what did you get for xmas @ your moms?
oh and happy new year hope you have a good one. try to contact me as soon as you can
you know what the best part about this is.
we get to talk to each other even though we live far away from each other.πŸ˜€
I wish you went to the same school as me.πŸ˜₯
or even BETTER! Live right next door to each other! THAT would be AWESOME!😊
it would be
sorry I had my iPad taken away because I had to clean my room
my mom got me clothes a Bluetooth portable speaker hocus pocus (movie) nightmare before Christmas ( movie)
my sis go me bath and body works stuff a hat and a Paris jewelry box
I have my 24 inch flatscreen tv hooked up now
my brother came from Alaska for a job interview and he left today πŸ˜–πŸ˜«πŸ˜©
I fell of my bed headfirst and now I have a big bruise on my shoulder πŸ€•
and I went to a father daughter dance with my dad and cried when I thought about how my niece Rylee would never be able to go to a dance with her daddy ( my brother ) Josh
but they arrested his killers they each have a million dollar bond
mixed emotions
πŸ˜€πŸ˜–πŸ˜©πŸ˜«πŸ˜₯πŸ˜¨πŸ˜“πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜ πŸ˜•πŸ˜£πŸ˜”πŸ˜ΏπŸ™€πŸ˜ΎπŸ™πŸ»
well we went back to school on the 5 of January
I'm hungry and I'm gonna watch a movie on my tv love ya see ya bye
tell your mom dad and brother i love them and I might be coming to see you this summer if I convince my dad
I hope I can see u this summer! that would be awesome!
we could have a sleep over and eat popcorn and watch movies!
they said love u too!β™₯️
anyway there is this place called skate town nearby my house and we could go there
or the movies
oh WAIT EVEN BETTER....... We could go to DOLLYWOOD! It will be AWESOME!
oh yeah
definitely Dollywood and the movies and popcorn ohh we should get twizelers I can't spell lol
Elmo definitely loves me because I love divergent
Elmo is freaky I hate him
Ya Dollywood would be awesome we could spend a hole day there
what is your favorite ride there
can't remember it's been a while
well I better go get ready for bed its 9:30 over here and my bedtime is 10:00 goodnight sweet dreams
do u remember what your favorite ride @ Dollywood is?
mine is the wild eagle
I am going to school now love you please talk to me as soon as you can
no I can't remember my fave ride
so what up
nothing much
are you on
Hey you are on come here plz
hey if you show up in the next 10 mins comment on my collage of Avalyn k
at school
what is your favorite subject
reading/writing math is ok so is language arts but I hate science and history but I also love geography
you are allowed,to talk on pic collage at school how
oh wait you take your iPad to school right if so lucky πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ€“πŸ˜
ya I like it
I only play during our breaks and while I am waiting to go inside the next class
I never do it during class
I love using my iPad for reports so I can look up stuff
makes things so much easier
hi sorry our internet was out
that's ok
hey my dad got a call from your dad saying that you'll be coming over in the summer!
oh, I can't wait
hey, I heard that u r coming in last week of June and that u want to go to Dollywood!
I can't wait!πŸ˜€