My heart goes out to everyone in Barcelona right now. 
I pray that everything will be okay soon.
It's terrible that some intend to harm so many other people.


My heart goes out to everyone in Barcelona right now. I pray that everything will be okay soon. It's terrible that some intend to harm so many other people.

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honestly I'm not so sure about that...I did pretty terrible😂and ty friend, I hope so too
you, my dude, are very wrong on that part I am actually a complete loser👉🏼😎👉🏼but thanks anyway for the pun
thanks dude 😎*finger guns* bro man *trips*
2 quotes I'll always go bye
*by I hate myself when I make grammar mistakes
thank you friend *chokes on spit*
clearly the new cast wasn't better, but they were still amazing and some characters were pretty close to the originals