


31 0
sorry..i cant do it cause only u and like 2 other people entered
i still dont think thats enough..plus its really hard getting everyone together..idk but if u really want i can do it....
how about i say the winner tomorrow, but then end the games but still give prizes?
I'm going to announce the winner..which is you. your prize will be a YouTube video about you, spam, shoutout, and collage of your choice. sound good?
I'm going to announce the winner in a few minutes..which is u! you're prizes are spam, YouTube video about you, shoutout, and collage of your choice. plus a fanpage! is that great or what?! you got 20 points in total, the highest u can get! good job!
WTH RARITY?!?! 🙈🙊🙅🏻👎🏻😂😂😅😅😆😆