Split it in half so it's easier to read. Part 2 in the remixes :) Will also add some character aesthetics in remixes so you can get to know them better!!


Split it in half so it's easier to read. Part 2 in the remixes :) Will also add some character aesthetics in remixes so you can get to know them better!!

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TY !! i was deliberating posting this but am glad it looks balanced 😁
a to your aotd(xP): ahhh all these years hv been tough work for our fingers lol 👇
this is absolutely wonderful <3
i agree, the intricacy is really good…it’s the cruelty that hurts me, but that’s just me ig
and thanks!
omw this is a masterpiece. you are so talented oml
my favorite dutch word is: pindakaas!!
I got three sentences in my duolingo lesson that my dutch friend thinks are hilarious: 1. Pardon, ik ben een appel. 2. De appel spreekt een beetje Nederlands. 3. Hallo, ik ben een kind 🤭
Anouk this is unreal you’re so talented! 💗
thanks sm!
thank you! 💗
thank you so much Anouk!
thank you!
aw thanks 💕
(reply from main): you’re very welcome!
Glad to hear you are doing well! I am also taking it day by day 😂 It’s funny how life seems to go by faster and faster and I find myself always worrying about the future but I just need to take it slow and soak up every bit of whatever comes my way. I saw a quote somewhere that said ‘the me 5 years ago would be happy to see where you are now’ or something along those lines and I’m just like yea she would :’)
That was too good. It was like I was actually there 3rd wheeling lolol
The feelings of suspense in pt 1 and the intimacy in pt 2. WOW YOU DID THAT.
omg heyyyy ive missed u too☺️💗
ahhh thank you sm!!😊😊