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thx.... what's ur name?
cool I'm AJ
lol thx... u as well
okay... ask me and I can tell u I guess
idk depends on my mood I guess... movie... umm if I'm mad I go play basketball or if I'm in a really good mood I'll do that too... that's just pretty much my game... umm i bake I guess sometimes when I get bored just about anything I guess... I like being outside to... WBU
ya I can be social at timesπŸ™ƒ basketball if kinda my life I guess... stuff happens and I go to the gym.. It got taken from me last year and I couldn't play which killed me but I'm just glad I get to this year...πŸ˜ŠπŸ€
as for good idk I guess... got varsity this year... I kinda grew up with it so
lol thx... so WBU do u do any other sports
ah... yeah I see where ur comin from... I'm givin track a go this year we will see if I like it for sure or not yet we had issues last year so
my concussion which is y I didn't do bball last year either and it was major so I couldn't really do much... and the coach and I didn't really get along at that time of year
thx.... so what else u wanna know
so r u seriously only staying on PC for today?
it's on ur posts... believe it or not I actually read people's posts
y not stay for a while!
? I meant
oh okay... get on with life?
oh okay
I honestly don't know what's goin on... don't bring it on urself please... I asked for a protective bf and I got one.... I love him I just wish he would understand that
if I don't answer right away its cuz I'm eating so don't think I'm ignoring u
okay... I'm calf
back* gees apparently I can't type either
I'll try
*puts hands over face and rolls eyes* is it? will be for sure.. he won't answer me... oh yeah one more thing u should know... I have trust issues... but don't worry I can trust I right?
*smiles weakly and turns head to the side* I'd like to think that....
*laughs* same..... oh yeah one more thing u should know about me... *smiles*
don't take things literally about me... I like to joke around.... like if I call u a jerk don't take it personal it's in a joking way *smiles* and oh yeah... I'm not ticklish there
*laughs* I am... but not there *smiles*
*laughs and smiles big* pretty much everywhere but there *spits tongue out* happy
*curls out and laughs* okay okay *taps out still laughing* I'm tapping out tapping out....
curls up not out
*smiles and shakes head* whatever
*laughs* honest really?! *smiles* okay well thx
*smiles and looks at u* urs isn't to bad ig *rolls eyes playfully*
*laughs* I know... is that better *rolls eyes and looks at u and smiles
*laughs and smiles* how old r u?
*laughs* r u tall
πŸ˜‚*laughs* good cuz every short girl needs a tall guy best friend
*laugh* right... okay this is just my Curiosity how tall.... I'm 5'3 so and that's with bball shoesπŸ˜‚πŸ€
*laughs* thx... I like it tho... it's fun when people gaurd me cuz I slip past and underneath to get the rebounds and no one sees me so I jump get it go back up and I'm so small they foul me😁
*laughs* aw thx *smiles and looks away*
no your fine I like it *smiles*
*laughs* whatever u can do to make me smile πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
*smiles* good I guess... well it's been along day I'm logging out for tonight even though it's only 9:10.... message me when u get back on please
good night
when u back
please don't... and when u mean get over did u guys break up?!
that's the thing... no one wants u to leave either.... so y will u... I get it like with grades and all but still come one every night or something maybe don't just leave
so make it a final break up then... tell her that... I just don't want u leaving and a lot of other people it looks like don't want u to leave either
oh and u keep falling for her?
I'll try... sorry I had to go help my brother.... u r trying to break up with her but u keep falling for her... it's normal u will keep falling for her until u find another girl.... it's hard getting over someone it just takes time
it's what u wanted from what I understand... but yeah I would.... it will take time to get over her but it'll come... and I know she will porbabaly hate me since I'm telling u this but yeah it's probably best
yeah sorry this advice probably sucks
I feel really bad
I'm sorry *gives u a hug*
*doesnt let go* ik.... promise me u will still come back
okay good
what?! y?!.. no don't shut up... sorry I've just been busy
so ur moving on or not I'm confused? sorry
I'm sorry... it's my fault
seriously? I mean comon' I'm the one who told u to break up with her she probably hates me... my love won't talk to me either
*looks back at u* lets do it
*smiles jumps and gets it*
*smiles and laughs* good!😊
*laughs* anytime *smiles
*smiles* there's a first for everything huh...
there will be
*smiles* sooo....?
*looks at u* trying to decide if I should get ready for basketball or not *laughs
I'll get ready for bball then... I'll still talk to u tho... so r u watching the movie with her?
oh okay
cool.. I got one but he's never on anymore so u can be to
*smiles* anytime
sure y not
u pick
I'm good *smiles*
hey I'm about to fall asleep can we continue this later.. night bestie😌*smiles*
*walks behind u*
(sorry I was out running)
*lays on my stomach with feet in the air*
*looks at u and smiles* what *smiles*