I love them


I love them

11 0
thanks, you get the rainbow letters on and app called phonto
ok cool thanksπŸ˜„
do u wanna be friends?
haha πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž
what country are you from??🌏
I'm from New Zealand but live in Australia!πŸ˜„πŸŒπŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί
im from australia too!
you're awesome!
what part of Australia?
what part do u live in?
I'm from WA to!
what part of WA do you come from?
are you typing a long text or have u logged off?
I'm still here
lets wait and see
I wasn't typing a long text
oh, sorry
what part of WA are you from?
im from perth, u?
I'm from Perth to!!!!!
are u willing to give away the suburb that u live in? or 2 personal?
I know right! what part of Perth?
kalamunda! do u know it?
if you say I'll say
come on then, what part?
OMG I used to live in Kalamunda but now I live in Willagee!
OMG really? well i dont really live in kalamunda i live in maida vale, PS THATS ALL IM SAYING ABOUT WHERE I LIVE!
thats a huge coincidence
OMG I actually just moved away from Maida Vale!!!
i know!
that's so cool!
what? are you joking?
no I'm being serious!!!
since you moved are you willing to tell me what street?
my old street?
the one in maida vale
it was Matuka Mews
OMG i live like 1 min away from that street. was there a bridge near your house?
I'm not sure...
like a bridge over a highway?
or a freeway?
I'm not sure I think there was freeway..
ok, was there a petrol dtation?
yes! there was petrol station!!
OMG! what was the main colour of the petrol station?
OMG OMG OMG!!! it WAS green!
OMG that's so cool!!!!
that's awesome!
what is the first letter of your schools name?
mine was SBC
my old school
i dont wanna tell any info about my school, name, or where i live(well... anymore info about where i live!)
ok that's fineπŸ˜„
who's your favourite YouTuber?
sorry, i was afk, ummmm probably mylifeaseva or zoella
who is ur fave ytuber?
I really like them both but my fav is AlishaMarie she does the same type of videos as mylifeaseva!
ok cool, i will be sure to check her out!
i saw that you and fluffydoggy04 got in a fight in the comments, are u alright, or dont wanna talk about it?
I'm fine, She is my friend irl but she was being really mean and saying I was copying her and she kept messaging me irl and bragging about 6,000 followers
P.S Sorry i invaded your personal chat
it's fineπŸ˜„
oh really? were u copying her or not?
I wasn't! she said I copied her Newsletter but mines different look if you don't believe me!!
ok i believe u
maybe she meant u took her idea of the newsletter?
because i looked on her oage and she has only posted one!
Well I didn't steal the idea I saw tons of other people do them so I decided to do one different to everyone else's
gtg bye!πŸ˜„πŸ‘‹πŸ»
hi, how r u?
hi, sorry i had school than lots of homework!
want to talk again later tonight?
ok, hi sorry, cant talk now but how about we start talking at 8 tonight?
hi read the comment i just wrote
I did
I have that photo!