It's in my room


It's in my room

11 0
it came with a DVD, BVB Bandana, and a backstage pass from last years concert in Los Angeles
because it's a lot of fun 😄
I love playing with Ouija boards 😄
Ouija boards are fun 😄😈🔥
I kissed a girl for a long time before
I'm a les
it happened a month ago, it was this one girl that goes to my school
but me and her became best friends the day after because we broke up
but now I'm taken with an amazing girl that's on pic collage
take a pic of it and show me 😭💥🔫
thx 😭💥🔫
she cheated on me 😭
and she said that she wouldn't break my heart 😭
love isn't meant for me 😭😭😭😭
I'll be alone forever 😭😭😭😭
little-me, I feel like you're lying to me 😭😡😭
you're trying to break me and her up 😭😭😭
you're doing this because I worship satan 😭😡😭
little-girl, stop trying to break me and her up
little-girl, you're lying
I love my girlfriend and she loves me
me and her are happy together
little-me, you stop what you're trying to do with me and her
me and her are very happy together
stop little-girl
I'm sorry by the way I acted
it's just I really love her
are we still friends
my Bday is 8/24/1999
this year it landed on the first day of school
I don't like my bday 😔
I'll tell you tomorrow 😔
I'll you y I don't like my bday tomorrow 😔
* tell
oh ok, bye 😔