heyo (tappp)
(btwww that isn't me in the pic)
so i've decided that im not non-binary, i'm actually a dude. so yea the names maxxwell, you can call me max tho. (more in the comments)


heyo (tappp) (btwww that isn't me in the pic) so i've decided that im not non-binary, i'm actually a dude. so yea the names maxxwell, you can call me max tho. (more in the comments)

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imma dude so my pronouns are he/him/they i actually have a girlfriend who loves me very much so that's pretty cool
also that cutie in the pic is mileschronicles he is also ftm trans, like me, which is super cool seeing how he's really cool
also i edited that photo. i added the color pallet thing and the trans heart
awe I’m glad for you! I love Miles too haha
Miles is super cute but anyways congrats on finding yourself! I’m proud of you
I like this picture