(tap here)
bear with my shïtty memory i forgot about the inspo stuff oopss


(tap here) bear with my shïtty memory i forgot about the inspo stuff oopss

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hey. plz go to my page!!! u got the spot! can u plz tell me ur snow account so I can contact u.
thx! YASSS LET’S BE FRENS!💖 I’m Mel🔮💘 what’s your name?
not to be rude but, where’s my background pack??!
hey. I've added u as a friend so please go to snow and make sure that someone random is talking to u. that'll be meeee😂
oh. umm. okay.
I'll send another one tmrw.
I have to sleep now. sry
maggie_1001_ is my username and are u rebecca Oliver?
oops. fortunately I just said hi.
I've got u now.
finally. 😱😂😂
hi !! thanks 💕💕 I'm good thanks, hru xx
please enter my contest xx! 🌟💛
snazzy new icon!
sorry I'm not active very much anymore. I have a lot going on
we used to be BFFs
but I'm staying of my phone for a while sorry
but your the first one to know
your at the top of my PC friend list
sorry spelled it wrong
pls can i have a quote pack
hello, it's ohhoneys my goal is 10k and it would be a dream come true if you followed me.✨💫🌼
hi! this is copied and pasted, but this is anonomoose33 and I have changed my name!