collab w/ QueenAldc!


collab w/ QueenAldc!

44 4
looks great!❀️
TBH: I haven't talked to you much, but you seem super sweet and ur edits r the BOMBBBBBB πŸ’₯
well I knew that bc a lot of other people refer to u as THAT and it's in ur bio πŸ˜‚
ok what? πŸ˜‚
Thank you!!!
🐢hosting a huge giveaway! go check it out!πŸ’–
Hey Liz did you know Paige's 16th birthday was on Tuesday? most ppl forgot
ya I'll try I don't know if I'm good at them anymore though lol
it's sad most of the fandom forgot
Oh that's cool! I've been also doing ballet since I was 3 and it's my fave!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ‘ŒπŸΌThanks for commenting
I remember cause I knew she had the same birthday as my friend Andy but when my friend Alex during class said his birthday I was like omg that's Brooke hylands birthday and I remembered Paige like omg Andy and Hanna Tuesday was Paige's birthday
yes they know all of 6th grade knows
yep but I think his brother or his brother friends like me and they are in 8th grade
yes bc during breakfast me and my friends are talking I love over at the table next to us and sometimes I see them looking around then me and once Ericks brother (Jonathan) friend asked me out 😳
like I kinda heard what he said then this girl Tobi was all like what did u say to her and then she told me and I told me no I like someone else
it's so weird
the one where Kenzie is blowing the confetti things
how do u do collabs on collages?
oh that's so cool!
can I get one of her blowing the pedals and also one of her signing the turnbored
Hey! I am starting a role play dance company! Enter as fast as you can! There are only 7 spots! πŸ’•
I just wanted to say that your edits are amazing!! you are an inspiration to my account
check recent
thank you so much!
Hi beautiful, amazing, wonderful, fantastic being πŸ’žπŸ‘‹πŸΌ I know this is just one of those "copy & paste" messages, but I really mean this 😊. Don't let others put you down. Instead of drowning in a pool 🏊🏼 of negativity think πŸ’­ positive πŸ‘πŸ» for a change. I want to spread positivity and make the world 🌎 a much, much better place. Yes, I know I can't make everybody feel this way, but at least I can be positive, right?😊🌸 Just be you! You have so many amazing qualities that sometimes people are afraid 😳 to embrace. So help us positive πŸ‘πŸ» people be the majority. β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ #StopTheHate #BePositive #SpreadPositivity #BeTheMajority
exactly Jill should win she's obviously the she's not a criminal I want Gary to win but I also want a girl president
Trinity will come on every month but I am her cousin Ally
and who is making goodybags
thoose r some
yes I got it but It didn't work
whoa you should make more edits like these:)