caption in the comments bc pc SÛĆKS


caption in the comments bc pc SÛĆKS

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so i was on tumblr and someone was hating on ace! enjolras?? they drew enj with a shirt that says “i s^ćk d*ćk” or whatever and the caption said “ace! enjolras headcanons pïśś me off”
why would someone draw stuff like that in spite of people’s personal headcanons that’s just ugly 😒
asexuality is so f^^king valid and ace! enj is too so ✋🏼✋🏼🛑🛑
side note that the drawing could make ace people, myself included, uncomfortable so watch what you say fam 😌
when someone says something stupid and ya just gotta burn dem house down
^^ im scared jyse
ugh sAmw
what the fûCK oml that’s awful i’m a fûcking ace lol what an àsshôle
People suck man I’m sorry... Ace people are amazing, dont let people tell you different