There was a spelling error🤦🏼‍♀️


There was a spelling error🤦🏼‍♀️

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well what’s your favorite thing to do?
remix me;))
really? i hate it lmaoo but thank you!
& just sitting outside, you?
eh it’s basic, and i dunno im bored i guess
that sounds fun, living the life.
dahlia hey !! long timee
hi im del,, i feel like we’ve met before.
ah well wsp??:)
hi i’m adele
oh snap, you’re gorg
nice to meet you dahlia rad name and i’m not that beautiful but thankss
i love your name n your so pretty! I’m Gia (:
that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received, thank you!! 💜💜 and your v welcome, what’re you up to?
i think i’m not but you are tho💛 i’m doing very good, you?
omggg I ooveddd that showw (: is it on regular tv?¿
ohh that’s 🆒 I wanna watch that orrr Drake & Josh
lmaoo, sounds gr8
oop i’m definitely NOT! don’t deny it💛. that’s good dahlia, what’s up?
you speak the lies but thank you 💛 OMG hannah montana is definitely my childhood
aha yeah i get it
hm probably
i go through that all the time
hello I’m Jamie ..Hru
yas I have so many favorite episodes lol
thank you I love yours too
and good and yay!*smiles
sure :)
hiyaa I’m Maci(:
(remix or comment
I’ll comment *runs upstairs to change
(cause pc has problems wit remix)
*shouts back*bathroom!
*goes in my room and locks door and changes too pink bikini
*comes out and runs downstairs
*smiles*you look nice
more like over you beautiful
*laughs and smiles and takes your hand and walks with you down hill where beach is
*skips*ive hot best freind dat is u
*we get to beach
that’s not good o
my parents usually ruin my mood so
reason why i barely talk to them
*runs to water
it’s fine, im not affected by it at all. i’ve gotten over it
*jumps in water hard and splashes u
!!sounds good
awh thank youu but your gorg & I’m okay I guess, hru?
I'm brayson :)
ahh i never really watched a whole ep of it, it a few little bits hah
i don’t even know what i watched when i was younger ahh
hey dahlia i’m logan :)
I'm good, you? & it's nice to meet you too :)
aw thank you but yea I’m just okay(:
hello im gabe :)
aha making pancakes(; wbu
hehe I’ll share some with youu
what did I say? can’t remember
anyways, what’re you up to
sounds good? what exactly is it
I got tons of food, whatcha wanT
oh like a chicken sandwich?
not much. how are you love?
hm i dunno about them
I got some chips baha
don’t worry I’ll you some
hey againn:)