Inspired by @FindingFlowers🌷QOTD•What is your Hogwarts House?AOTD•PROUD Ravenclaw📘I was tested twice and both times the same😝💕Another Coldplay song😂~Paradise🙈


Inspired by @FindingFlowers🌷QOTD•What is your Hogwarts House?AOTD•PROUD Ravenclaw📘I was tested twice and both times the same😝💕Another Coldplay song😂~Paradise🙈

100 2
I'm Ravenclaw too- picturesque
omg I really want to see it!! and yeah sure, could you find a quote? I'll find a background😊
oh yes😂 that's fine, can you send the quote, I'll only do the first half so you can do some text as well😘
Your welcome!
and I'm actually going to post it in my collab week but you can post it tomorrow, it's not a problem💖 I might post on Tuesday😉
AOTD: Gryffinpuff❤️💛
could you send me our collab again? I've lost it😂
I love your icon so much!
OMG thanks so much for following me!!😵😘👌🏻💕
You're in RavenClaw too?! I checked the RavenClaw common room on's so pretty!
WOWWOWOWOW!!! This looks AMAZING!!!! I love this soooooo much! You did such a good job!! :)
OH GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M FIDING THIS JUST NOW! Seriously, this is insanely beautiful, and thank you.💗💗💗
Heyyy would you like to collab with me for _PastelVibes_ contest?☄🍃💙