✨There ya go grant✨


✨There ya go grant✨

29 1
*hugs you* thanks
there Cass you happy I kept the theme?😂
well I think it looks better but you’ll get used to it
i see everythings okay babes ^ im glad
*Noah makes car sounds as he begins hitting them against each other* laughs lightly and I wipe my cheek* Okay bubs time for bed okay? Noah: Okay mommy!*he gets up and I lift him up putting him in his bed; kisses him goodnight and picks up his toys* Say goodnight to daddy Noah!
whispers under my breath* I’m fine *walk to the doorway and waits for you*
guy haha
whyd u delete my comment lmaoo
are u alr?
mm, how are u
I’m good love, would you like to do something?
that’s good with me
i'm lexi
hi anyone i’m davina — call me dav x
I can’t even comment on ur stuff:(
Why bother? you always say one thing then leave for a month or two
You would always talk about me being distant when I never was
Hey Cassia…are you still around?