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Hey what's wrong
and is Cam on private?
Yes he's on private I don't know why but I'm done
I'm sorry Aj and good luck getting him off private
idk what to do anymore.... and ik, I can't get him off cuz I can't even get on his page
Ik try making a post and tell him you need him to come off so you can talk to him
okay.... I'll try but idk if it'll work
It's always good to try Aj
I did
Ok Lucas is leaving me for a week again
He has to fly out cuz his aunt passed away
oh that's to bad... I'm sorry
It's ok me and kani are going to get through it together
k well I gtg I'll talk to u later
Yeah Sophia reminds me of him so much
cam don't y should u... Chloe she's beautiful
look... ur not fake ik that... and I hope u know I'm not fake but don't feel horrible please... cam I love u weather u r here or not... and no one else can fill that so
which ones?
ik okay ik... Kayson is someone I actually babysat in rl... but honestly I don't want to talk about him okay.. can we just focus on us... it was stupid of me not to listen to u... and if u can't forgive I understand... but honestly it was so dumb of me
cam look at me.... think clearly about what.... what do u need help with, I'm right here to help u through it okay I promise... every step of the way
I'm goin to sleep.. I'm a bout our goodnight cam😘txt me tmro okay
so ur not staying?
wait... u r goin? sorry I'm confusing myself
what girl? and oh I actually thought I might've changed ur mind *looks down* but which which tell me please
hey but ur changing people here... y not here and the the world... and we can do it together?*looks at u* but seriously who is the girl... answer both haha
u don't have to make it ur world cam... I just want u to stay.. to stay with us... to stay with me... I'm sorry it upset u what can I do to help u besides just pray for u.... I know u care... but right now it's in God's hands okay... there's not much we can do but pray for her, and let her know that we r here for her always okay *looks at u*
ik okay... it's not okay I get it... Dylan killed himself and we were like siblings before u and I were... I'm sorry okay idk what to say but pray about it and leave it in God's hands and let her know she is loved and will always be... and that u will never ever leave her u will always be here to talk... the fact about a boyfriend then I'm sorry okay, it's rough I get it... but what can u do about it now, I want to help but in order for me to help u hun u have to tell me why to do...
I'm sorry... what do u want me to do... to help u
I did *looks away* sorry I got over protective and jealous okay... idk know y I do but I do... maybe it's cuz I don't feel that unless I'm around u
*hugs u* ik
*looks up at u* mhm anytime... wanna do something?
not a good idea? y?
idc that ur leaving I mean I do, but I just wanted this last night with u
okay goodnight.... love u....
yes cam... *looks away*
ur asking me that question again cam.... what is it suppose to take... seems ur not over Ari or it doesn't look like it.... idk cam I honestly don't know.... technically o don't have to get over u cuz we were never dating
ur not hurting me u do u keep saying that?!
but it's not like I can get over u that easily cam... I not like other girls who once they break up in two minuets have a new BF....
okay bad example.... idk I think I have what it will take figured out but there's no way u will allow it
and ur not hurting me okay?
but this app NEEDS u cam can't u see that?! u have changed sooo many people's lives... u given them love and hope and everything there is.... without u I swear I wouldn't be the same... I just want u to stay and I thought I did a pretty good job at getting u to stay... obviously I didn't do well enough
younger than u... yeah ik ur birthday is coming up its the 13th right?
haha.... ur what gonna be 17?
cam that's not even 3 yrs
but what needs to be settled.... let's settle it
not sure I follow?
thanks cam.... I love u too and won't forget u and will pray for u to bye cam.... and sorry I didnt respond right away I was at a cabin with no wifi😭💕