My first

Ricky Martin

My first

2 0
rrriiiiiiccckkkyyyyyy @-@
Kate told me you wouldn't leave me hanging..... like you did..... to her... ._.
r u ok
like you care
I do
then what's the paragraph you wanted to send me?
it is in my phone I will let you c it at school
why not here?
to be honest I don't want to be around you at school right now
for right now..
how long is for right now
idk maybe till I will probably movie next year
since you want to talk to me SOOO bad... come talk to me tomorrow at school.
what now
I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately.. ._.
ok thanks
I feel like I ruined our friendship .p
y do you think that
cause you don't talk to me..
at school
only on here
and idk if it's just me but you totally avoid eye contact now. it's probably just me overreacting
I think your overreacting I do talk to you at school
probably @-@
I overreact a lot depending on the thing
we cool
what do you mean?
is everything ok. now
thaxx for that side
eat my foot site
no problem
Shaun was gonna hit you or something last week
for kissing Lena XD
hey Ricky this is my other account I made it so Caleb and I can talk don't tell that Monochrome_Glitch is also me
don't tell him that ^
Ricky can I vent to you?
taking that as a no
what is vent
tell you about my problems XD
I have a question
should I break up with Caleb?
yes Lena is mad at you so am I
I don't care about your sorry
lol your welcome
nope not with me maybe with her but not with me or Cynthia
Bc she doesn't care about you
no Bc I've already gave you a second chance and I never give people a 3 chance Bc they will always do the same stuff they do and I don't like your song lyrics at the end we're only human ! human don't deserve a second chance you don't get a second chance in war do they
all you want is attention and if you did not like that dream you had then stop talking about it geeezzzz
o ok Bc you tell me lots of stuff and way right and you never even talk to me so y should I care and I'm not special so don't say that and y would you trust me
last year
lots of different stuff
stupid stuff
yes I'm mad made nothing better you made it worse
you know what I'm done bye
well it is worse I'm done talking to you and her bye