Wa'd Up Homie


Wa'd Up Homie

20 12
dope hat. 👌🏻
thanks 👌🏽
hi I am the girl who likes the boy I am the scared one I can't tell him I like him an my best friend likes him so advices
I say ask him out, cuz the way u feel right now is how ur gonna feel for the rest of ur life unless u ask him out, trust me! it's happened to me
you think so but my friend like him to
Yah that's happened to me as well, try asking him out of see who he likes more
what shall I tell him
Ask him "hey, who do you like more?" and if he says u then ask him out but if he likes ur friend more then you'll just have to accept that
but he mostly hang out with his friends he is hard to talk to if his friends are near
just pull him away from the crowd and talk to him
how I am not confident enough to do that