// i :) relapsed:) my :) wrists:) r:) bleeding:) \\


// i :) relapsed:) my :) wrists:) r:) bleeding:) \\

105 7
belle no no no no 😔
im sorry guys i just...
no don't be sorry just know that we are here for you. we don't want you to do this to yourself. please
oh 😞 belle, love, I wish you wouldn't.
i'm so sorry 😔
thanks guys im literally criyng i love you all...
i just want to hug all of you. im in tears. real tears. thanks really.
i love you very very much too and i seriously clutched my phone to my chest for a hug. we love you belle ❤️❤️
thanks guys. i srsly dont deserve u all ❤️
i'll try
oh my gosh please please please put it down. please! we love you. cutting may be a temporary relief but in the world nod it's not worth it.
please don't. please. I know how it is but please do it for me if you can't do it for yourself. we frikin love you, take care of yourself and know we'll try to catch you ❤️
dont do this to yourself, please. everything will get better, and it might take time, but I swear to you, you will be happy
it's okay. it's all okay. all you need to work on is getting better. we are here to help you through this. if you need anything, just ask. all we ask is that you please let us help you. lots of love to you. stay strong, you are worth living for. keep sieving, you've done a pretty good job so far. lots of love to you.
bby no you can't do that to yourself... I know it gets rid of the pain but only for a few minutes please please dont
you may not know me, but everything will be okay. I'm pretty sure a lot of us have had experience, and we know that it will all be okay. Don't do anything to yourself because you are completely perfect. you may think you have flaws, but that makes you perfect, and that is how God wants you to be. he believed that you are perfect the way you are and so does everyone else. I have cut, a lot of us have. we have stopped, started again, and stopped, and over and over again. however, think about those times you stopped. there was a reason you stopped. maybe it was to make someone happy. well make that person happy again and stop. maybe it was because you were proud of yourself. well remember that at one point in life, you were proud of yourself, so why stop being proud. you are probably an amazing person. you will be okay. I promise❤️
please no
thanks guys... i dont deserve u all really... thanks omg im criyng
stay strong :o everything will be okay .. I promise
sorry cade. im such a fxxk up
oh god, I hope your ok (idk when this was posted) stay strong and I swear to god I will somehow manage to find you and give you a hug bc your amazing and I hope your ok
thank u.
thays fine thanks :))
thanks i'll try wifey
oml I HOPE YOURE OK!! don't do that again and I hope u stay strong!!
ok ill try thanks